Home » The second wave of the pandemic is crushing India’s health infrastructure

The second wave of the pandemic is crushing India’s health infrastructure

by Roohi Fatima

As India suffers the world’s worst coronavirus crisis, the people describe the fear of living amid a disease spreading at such scale and speed causing thousands of deaths. The new waves coronavirus infections hit a record peak in Indian for a fifth day on the 26th of April.

People losing loved ones in the India’s capital, where 306 people have died of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, are turning to makeshift facilities that are undertaking mass burials and cremations as crematoriums come under pressure as well.

“Currently the hospital is in bed-and-borrow mode and it is an extreme crisis,” said a spokesman of the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in the capital.

A Covid-19 patient waiting to be admitted to a hospital in South Delhi, on Saturday.

The infection is spreading so fast that hospitals are completely swamped. People are turned away by the thousands. Medicine is running out, so is lifesaving oxygen. The sick has been left stranded in interminable lines at hospital gates or home, literally gasping for air.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged all citizens to get vaccinated and exercise caution, At a time like this the whole world is sympathetic to India and praying for its fast recovery.

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