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6 Daily Habits That Will Make You Look Smarter and Powerful.

by Roohi Fatima

To become a truly wise and educated person, you must devote your life to learning (or at least a part of it), not just at particular times of the year but a vital span of your life. Here are six daily habits that will make you look smarter and powerful.

Question everything

Daily habits for success and power

Don’t assume anything or subscribe unthinkingly to conventional wisdom. Keep your eyes and mind wide open. The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge and questioning and curiosity are the key to overcome it.

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Read as much as you can.

Daily Habits for success
Lovely Asian young lady portriat – happy woman lifestyle concept

 Make reading a habit and a part of your daily life, especially serious reading not only celebrity gossip and lists on the web but a good and knowledgeable book even if it’s just part of a chapter each day, stick to your reading schedule and your intellect will be enriched.

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Discover what motivates you

Daily Habits growth
Trekking in a forest

 Find a topic that catches your eye and dive in. It’s easier to stay engaged with a topic you find interesting than a normal topic. Find a format that stimulates your mind, whether it’s a podcast or a newspaper. Feed your mind well with things that you enjoy. This helps you to be smarter.

Share what you know

daily habits for success
Three thoughtful students using tablet computer. Young men sitting at desk in classroom or library. Students and technology concept.

 Learning something new is important, but sharing that knowledge makes what you’ve learned actionable and meaningful. It is not only effective in remembering it but there is also gives you the chance of correction if there is any mistake.

Have an opinion

success and growth

 Leaders speak up on issues that matter to them when they have the opportunity. So should you. If you’re concerned about thinking up something relevant or if you like to have a chance to mull over points before forming a judgment, that’s great, but do a little research ahead so you have some constructive and ready-made feedback to contribute.

Do something that scares you

daily habits
Man jump through gaps between hills

 Facing your fears makes you braver, smarter, and better able to withstand the challenges life throws at you. Sometimes the greatest rewards in life come from doing the things that scare you the most. It boasts up your confidence in facing life and people.

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